Today, I worked on creating wall sconces, a TV stand and a coffee table.  I have decided to model everything on my own instead of relying on the Google Warehouse.  The sconces proved to be the most difficult item to make so far, since the solid tools set is not available in the free version of SketchUp.  In the end, I had to do some research to figure out how to create a spherical object using the FollowMe tool.  I am so used to modeling in CAD that I expect every other modeling program to have the same design  depth.  SketchUp is meant to be used for quick modeling.  Clearly, I need to let go of the impulse to focus on the extreme details and instead look toward the big picture.  Overall, I think my speed is improving as I become more and more comfortable with SketchUp's tools.  Next, I plan to model a couch, love-seat and chair, then hope to work on materials.

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